Title: A pile of roses
Medium: Rock Art: Acrylic paint on Natural Rock
Rationale for Art Medium: we often take no notice of a rock. Sometimes, a single rock gets lost amongst a pile of rocks. The artist specifically chose a rock that was collected amongst a pile of rocks. The artist turned it into a work of art entitled, A Pile of Roses.
Story behind the Art Work: Artist describes a heartfelt moment during a visit to a Holocaust memorial site, depicted by a pile of shoes. It brought the artist to a standstill, inspecting the shoes and struggling with the realization that each pair, represents a life that was taken away. The artist’s attention was drawn to a rambling rose that found a path through the shoes and blossomed a perfectly white rose. The artist reflects, that the symbolism of the peaceful rose is too heavy to bear. And that the rose would be more fitting in a simple setting, like an English country garden. The artist tries to find solace but concluded that this memorial site, despite the beauty of a rose, would always remain a sad place to visit. And in such times, the artist concludes, we should reflect on the past with humbleness and respect while turning our focus to a more peaceful future.
August 26, 2020
Junior Art