The CTHGC Creative Project

The Cape Town Holocaust & Genocide Centre runs an annual art and writing project for high school learners in the Western Cape.

This year’s theme:

Marking 30 years of Democracy in South Africa

Closing date for entries: Friday 26 July, 3pm
Exhibition & Awards Evening: Sunday 25 August, 5pm

The aim of this project is:

  • To learn about the fragility of democracy historically and today, and how to safeguard human rights for future generations in South Africa.
  • To be active participants in the process of remembering South Africa’s past, while highlighting our milestones as well as our challenges as a young democracy.
  • To work towards creating a more caring and just society in which human rights and diversity are respected and valued.

The project encourages cross-curricular study. Educators may choose to use the topic as an activity for learners’ portfolios in any subject.