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Survivor Testimonies

The archive contains film, audio and written testimony of survivors, liberators and Righteous Among the Nations, who settled in South Africa after the war. Below are some of the testimonies we have collected.

amelia algrante
Amelia Algrante was born in Rhodes Island in 1925. She was deported to Auschwitz and then sent to Dachau where she was liberated, and sent to a Soviet camp ...
Amelia Algrante
Asher Varon
Asher Varon was born in Rhodes Island in 1928. He was transported to Auschwitz by the Nazis and from there, to forced labour in the Charlottengrube coal mines, and then to Mauthausen ...
Asher Varon
bella avzaradel
Bella Avzaradel was born in Rhodes Island and deported to Auschwitz. She was liberated at Bergen-Belsen and lived in Italy for a brief period of time ...
Bella Avzaradel
bella rahmani
Bella Rahmani was born in Rhodes Island. She was deported to Auschwitz, and then to Lansberg, before being liberated at Febelfilg ...
Bella Rahmani
Bella Sigoura
Bella Sigoura was born in Rhodes Island in 1923. She was deported to Auschwitz and later to Mauthausen, from where she was liberated in May 1945 ...
Bella Sigoura
bella varkel
Bella Varkel was born in Vilna in 1926, and was educated there. She spent much of the war years imprisoned inside the Vilna Ghetto as a slave labourer ...
Bella Varkel
chana benjamin
Chana Benjamin was born in Fuerth, Germany, where she attended school. After training at the Jewish Teachers' Seminary in Wuerzberg, she taught at a Jewish day school in Fuerth as a principal of the lower classes ...
Chana Benjamin
clara soriano
Clara Soriano was born in Rhodes Island. She was deported to Auschwitz, and later to Theresienstadt and Dessau ...
Clara Soriano
david korzuch
David Korzuch was born in Siemiatycze, Poland, in 1930. He survived slave labour in Markstadt, Finf Taichen and Gross-Rosen ...
David Korzuch
archive survivor testimony - diamante franco
Diamante Franco was born in Rhodes Island in 1920, and was educated there. She survived Auschwitz-Birkenau and was liberated on 27th of January 1945 ...
Diamante Franco
ella blumenthal
Ella Blumenthal was born in Warsaw, Poland. She was moved into the Warsaw Ghetto in 1940, where she participated in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising ...
Ella Blumenthal
eve davis
Eve Davis was born in Athens, Greece in 1927, and was educated there. She was a scholar until the German invasion forced her into hiding ...
Eve Davis
freda glazer
Freda Glazer was born in Poland in 1920 and was educated there. She spent the war years in the Soviet Union, and afterwards was in displaced persons camps in Poland and Germany ...
Freda Glazer
giuseppe cone
Giuseppe Coné was born in Rhodes Island in 1910. He survived slave labour in Auschwitz-Birkenau, Rizertau Charlotte Gruppe, Mauthausen and Ebenzen, where he was liberated in May 1945 ...
Giuseppe Coné
helene czerniewicz
Hélène Czerniewicz was born in Paris in 1926. She spent the war years in hiding in Marseille, Grenoble, Paris, Lyon and various small towns, before being liberated in 1944 in Lyon ...
Hélène Czerniewicz
helene joffe
Hélène Joffe was born in Marseille, France. She was still a child when the Germans invaded and went into hiding in different villages in France ...
Hélène Joffe
Holocaust Survivor Testimony - Henia Bryer
Henia Bryer was born in Poland in 1925, and was educated at a local Jewish day school. In 1941, Henia and her family were moved into the Radom Ghetto ...
Henia Bryer
irene groll
Irene Groll was born in Kusel, Germany. She spent the war years in camps in Gurs and Rivestaltes in France, and then in hiding in Brive where she was finally liberated ...
Irene Groll
israel ketelapper
Israel Ketelapper was born in Holland in 1917 where he married his beloved wife, Ray. The couple spent several years hiding in Holland, but they were eventually caught and transported to Bergen-Belsen in 1942 ...
Israel Ketelapper
Jonny Markman - Survivor Testimony
Jonny Markman was born in Brussels, Belgium, just days after the outbreak of the War. His family and he fled to France before ending up as refugees in Shanghai, where they were liberated in 1945 ...
Jonny Markman
judy diamant
Judy Diamant was born in Ostrava, Czech Republic, in 1932. She went to school there until the Germans closed the Jewish schools ...
Judy Diamant
karl langer
Karl Langer was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1932 and educated in Utrecht, Holland, where he was hidden until liberation in May 1945. After the War, he lived in Switzerland and Namibia, before arriving in Cape Town in 1956 ...
Karl Langer
lenie de jong
Lenie De Jong was born in Enschede, Holland in 1934. After the outbreak of the War, she was moved into hiding in Veenendaal from where she was liberated in May 1945 ...
Lenie de Jong
louis theeboom survivor page
Louis Theeboom was born in Amsterdam, Holland, and was educated at the Rosh Pinah Jewish School. He spent the war years hiding in Amsterdam until he was liberated in May 1945 ...
Louis Theeboom
Lina Amato-Kantor
Lina Amato-Kantor was born in Rhodes Island in 1936. Lina and her family were among 39 of the 1 700 Jews marked for deportation to Auschwitz who had Turkish citizenship ...
Lina Amato-Kantor
lucia amato
Lucia Amato was born in Rhodes Island in 1921 and attended the Scuola Israelite. She survived Auschwitz, Willemstad and Theresienstadt, where she was liberated in May 1945 ...
Lucia Amato
lucia habib
Lucia Capelluto Habib was born in Rhodes Island and was deported to Auschwitz, then to Dachau, and finally to Bergen-Belsen where she remained until liberation ...
Lucia Habib
mathilda hasson
Mathilda Hasson was born in Seattle, USA, in 1912. Her family moved back to Rhodes Island when she was a child, and she trained there to become a dressmaker, and got married ...
Mathilda Hasson (pictured right)
mendi soffer
Mendi Soffer was born in Galatz, Romania, in 1928. He spent the war years in Bucharest under General Antonescu's regime ...
Mendi Soffer
menno de jong
Menno De Jong was born in Apeldoorn, Holland, in 1926. In 1939, he moved to Rotterdam and later went into hiding on farms near Alkmaar ...
Menno de Jong
mercada alhadeff
Mercada Alhadeff was born in Rhodes Island and deported to Auschwitz. She was liberated at Theresienstadt in May 1945 ...
Mercada Alhadeff
mike breslin
Mike Breslin was born in Mir, Poland, in 1924 and was educated there. He spent the war years in the Mir ghetto, and later as a partisan in the Nalibocki forest in Belarus ...
Mike Breslin
miriam lichterman
Miriam Lichterman was born in Warsaw, Poland where she went to school until the outbreak of war in September 1939. During the war, she was moved into the Warsaw Ghetto and from there, to various concentration camps ...
Miriam Lichterman
ner alhadeff
Ner Alhadeff was born in Rhodes Island and was deported to Auschwitz. He worked as a slave labourer at the Charlotte Gruppe mines and was liberated at Ebenzen ...
Ner Alhadeff
pesla lis
Pesla Lis was born in Koszyce, Poland, in 1915. She worked as a bookkeeper and secretary before being sent to the Prokocim labour camp and then going into hiding in Poland ...
Pesla Lis
santa pelham
Santa Pelham was born in Knapsack, Germany, and was educated at the Jawne Gymnasium in Koen am Rhein ...
Santa Pelham
sarah jerushalmi
Sarah Jerushalmi was born in Rhodes Island in 1920 and went to school at the Jewish Alliance Française. She survived Auschwitz and Dachau, from where she was in liberated in April 1945 ...
Sarah Jerushalmi
shmuel keren-kroll
Shmuel Keren-Kroll was born in Pabrade, Lithuania in 1935. He spent the war years in the town's ghetto and after the liquidation of the ghetto, hiding in nearby forests ...
Shmuel Keren-Kroll
stella israel
Stella Israel was born in Rhodes Island in 1926. She was deported to Auschwitz and then to Bergen-Belsen, before being liberated from Theresienstadt ...
Stella Israel
violette fintz
Violette Fintz was born in Rhodes Island and educated at the Alliance Israelite Universelle Rhodes. She was a manager at the Singer Sewing Company until being deported from Rhodes by the Nazis ...
Violette Fintz
xavier piatka
Xavier Piatka was born in Vilna, then part of Poland, in 1919. He was deported from the Vilna ghetto to various slave labour camps in Poland and Estonia ...
Xavier Piatka
zofja lurie
Zofja Lurie was born in Vilna in 1925 and was educated there until the War broke out. She spent the war years in the ghetto, and hiding in Vilna and Kaunas, where she was liberated in 1944 ...
Zofja Lurie